Work Smarter, Not Harder!

A comprehensive approach to movement for Optimal Health

Presented by Nicole DeWard, Certified NASM Personal Trainer

  1.  Phase 1 – Weight Loss – Exercise
    1. 5&1 Plan
      1. If not currently exercising, wait 2-3 weeks to begin
      2. If currently exercising, cut in half for first 2 weeks
      3. Total caloric expenditure  is less than or equal to 1200 calories/week
        1. Typically this equates to 30-45 minutes, 3-4x/week burning approximately 200-300 calories per session
        2. Best results come from walking, light resistance training (light hand weights and band work), and core stability
      4. Low intensity exercise (movement) including walking, swimming, biking
        1. Should be able to carry on a conversation while exercising in 5&1 which means the heart rate is elevated but no huffing, puffing or sweating
      5. Focus in 5&1 is on NUTRITION  and MOVEMENT only
        1. Results are 80% nutrition and 20% exercise
      6. May add 2-3 ounces of protein to protect muscle mass during 5&1
  2. Phase 2 – Transition – Working Out
    1. Transition Plan Weeks 1-6
      1. Working out is determined by FIT – Frequency, Intensity and Time
        1. Frequency
          1. 3x/week = heart healthy
          2. 4x/week = maintenance
          3. 5x/week= reduction of body fat and build lean mass
        2. Intensity
          1. Cardio Strength Intervals
          2. Resistance Training
          3. High Intensity Interval Training
          4. Rest/Recovery
        3. Time
          1. Busy schedule is determining factor
          2. Endurance
          3. Balance between necessary components
          4. Combo work outs
      2. Working out includes cardio, resistance and flexibility
        1. Cardio
          1. Group Fitness classes are great for camaraderie
          2. Heart rate based training
        2. Resistance Training
          1. Core Stabilization is necessary for a strong foundation
          2. Begin with light weights and high repetitions
          3. Body weight training is highly beneficial
          4. Functional movements produce greater results
        3. Flexibility
          1. Yoga
          2. Resistance Stretching
          3. Foam roller – self myofascial release
  3. Phase 3 – Optimization – Training 
    1. Optimization Plan
      1. Determine caloric needs based on age, gender, height and weight (Resting Metabolic Rate)
  4.  great RMR calculator… among many
        1. Calculator is best estimated guess.  Exact methods are Hydrostatic Body Fat Test or a Resting Metabolic Assessment
        2. Progress from last week of transition plan to maintenance plan.
          1. Monitor how you feel and what the scale says
          2. Modifications to the plan may be necessary
      1. Eating “off plan” is always a choice
        1. Additional exercise can offset extra calories taken in
        2. Plan work out times accordingly around scheduled events
        3. Monitor weight weekly
          1. Remember habits of health
          2. No more back on 5&1 on Monday
            1. 5&1 is a tool, not a mentality
            2. 3 pounds on the scale is NOT always FAT.  You would have to consume an excess of 10,500 calories .
            3. Just return to your habits of health in the optimization phase
    1. Goal Setting
      1. Discover strengths and passions
        1. 5k
        2. Compete on tennis team
        3. Triathlon
        4. 3 day walk
        5. Adult swim team
      2. Winners don’t wing it
        1. Always have a plan!
        2. Be purposeful!
        3. Set up for success!
        4. Create a challenge!

Work Smarter, Not Harder!

09.23.14 |