What an incredible week it has been for me. The letters you’ve written–and so bravely shared with me–are beautiful glimpses of what I can tell are big stories. No two people have taken the exact same approach, and I see that as a sign of each person learning more about themselves, how they think, and what they need to do to make their own journeys a success.
The very fact that you would have something to say to your past-self means that you have made progress. You have learned new lessons. You have reflected on yourself and how you make choices. And you see your own potential.
Tomorrow is the last day to submit your letters! Remember, they do not have to be shared publicly in order to participate. Learn more here.
In the meantime, these letters from Tuck and Melissa may give you some inspiration:
From Tuck:
Dear One,
I want to share what I have learned…it’s taken me many years to learn to learn these things and I want to share what I know to bring yourself happiness.
First, I know the fears that you grew by… no one knows them better! You don’t have to afraid – the things that look risky to you are actually wonderful opportunities! You will find that the people you meet will respond with love because your passion is real, your talents have value, and you basically care to help others.
And, you will find that you have a contribution to make that will serve humanity and bring you the greatest joy…the joy of a life of meaning.
Love you,
From Melissa:
Dear Past Melissa,
Thank you for leading me here. Your courage and persistence for a better life has led to some amazing opportunities and even though you have come farther than you thought to try, I know there is so much more to go! I know it wasn’t always easy.
Your faith is truly inspiring! My favorite part of this journey was when you realized you could not do it on your own. Yes, it’s up to you to take each step, but following others who have been where you want to go is so much more wise, and more fun, than wandering around lost. Things got even better when you realized you don’t have to do it exactly like everyone else, that you have unique gifts, talents and your own journey to walk out in your own time.
Thank you for all the yeses: to eat the food, to open the book, to lead others, and most importantly to lead yourself. Life is better because of who you were willing to become.
Present Melissa
I can’t wait to read more of your letters!